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Your readership is highly appreciated. To help us build our content archive, expand our partnerships, and improve the quality of our work to meet our standards, we need your generous donations. Without your help, we struggle to provide up-to-the-minute updates about the industry and its ramifications.

If we were to become too commercial, the site would lose its edge. We feel that our small, independent organization provides stronger and more critical content on the Korean industry than anyone else. Losing that edge would be a loss to the entire industry.

The price of a cup of coffee is all we ask, but we will gladly accept any amount you see fit to give. This site is a place to learn and grow as a new member to the community or as an experienced insider – your donation helps keep us at the forefront.

We realize that most people will ignore this message. Please, if you consider this site useful to you or at least wish to see it continue to provide content, consider making a donation. Every Satoshi counts!

Deepest thanks!
Brian Newar
Chief Editor and Co-founder

Please send Bitcoin to – 1EH7PHMt8rDD8eM8sarTpP7BaqVN8DVi7P

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