
SK C&C launches blockchain platform ‘Chainjet for Ethereum’

SK C&C has announced the launch of a new enterprise blockchain platform called ‘Chainjet for Ethereum’. It has been developed jointly with SK C&C and Consensys as part of a long-running partnership between the two.

Chainjet for Ethereum introduces a key recovery service which eliminates the risk of key loss and/or leakage which is a common pitfall when dealing with blockchain or cryptocurrency services. The service prevents the loss of private keys and transaction details on a case-by-case basis through each user’s account. The private, secured account information also keeps record of private keys and each transaction made.

Various other services are featured by the new blockchain project. It offers an enhancement of token issuance and management functions, an improved data tracking, a DevOps environment which supports development and operation simultaneously, reduced service integration time and cost through centralization of development sources, and test automation feature detection of source code errors which improves efficiency.

SK C&C reportedly plans to actively build up the blockchain industry ecosystem in South Korea with Chainjet for Ethereum as a centerpiece. The token issuance and usage management functions are in high demand in the national market as government services and private services alike are seeking ways to communicate and transact without the need of a face-to-face meeting.

Chul Choi, Head of SK C&C Platform 2 commented on the fact that now there is a publicly available service that can be used immediately seamlessly with existing components at businesses without the need to install separate servers and applications. The service aims to allow businesses to freely create their own blockchain platforms in order to accelerate the expansion of their operations.

Chainjet for Ethereum is SK C&C’s latest in a long string of major blockchain-related releases this year. They already have delved into token issuance and platform implementation with their Warm Change donations platform. Warm Change makes it possible to handle everything from issuing the local currencies for each particular donation and promoting local social welfare and public interest projects to creating abstract social value by connecting local organizations.

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